Behind the scenes... - Old-Fashioned Girls

Behind the scenes...

Behind the scenes of Old-Fashioned Girls, a lot has been happening. Hi, my name is Megan, and if you’re new around here I’m the mommy entrepreneur behind Old-fashioned Girls! A few months back I was 39 weeks pregnant and convinced my baby would be late so I planned lots of projects to keep myself busy! Well as it would happen my little one was in a rush and decided to try and make an early appearance. Que my water breaking and going into labor while I was working on Old-Fashioned Girls! Talk about a momentous memory and the epitome of a mom-run business! 

Behind the scenes of Old-Fashioned Girls, the parts you don’t see, you’ll find me working from my recliner while nursing and holding my sleeping baby. While I have big dreams, and life is brimming full at the moment with keeping a tiny human alive, every time I get an order I do a little happy dance and remind myself “I did that while breastfeeding!” Talk about mom skills! So while I know there are many different places you could make a purchase, know when you shop from a small mom-owned business you are supporting big dreams!


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