How Old-Fashioned Girls grew up!

Way back on May 22, 2012 Old-Fashioned Girls was founded as a little blog of musings, recipes, and craft ideas in it's own little corner of the internet. Since then the face of the internet, sharing, and social media has changed quite a bit over the span of nearly 10 years!

Over the course of the first three years of Old-Fashioned Girls, love and energy was poured into it's unique little corner of the internet. But then slowly life took over and high school graduations came and went, college was attended, people moved, got married, and then babies started to arrive and slowly the corner of the internet know as Old-Fashioned Girls began to gather dust and cobwebs as it sat silent for six years. In that span of time the writers of Old-Fashioned Girls grew up and the way technology was used to communicate continued to change at a rapid speed. 

However, the love and inspiration for Old-Fashioned Girls never died and in 2019 steps were taken to resurrect what was once known as Old-Fashioned Girls. However, those who had started it had gone off in different directions and grown up and so had the internet and technology, making it impossible to go back to what had been a once tiny little blog. After much thought it was decided that it was time for Old-Fashioned Girls to grow up too!

Old-Fashioned Girls got a makeover, complete with it's very own web domain and new website, with an email address to match, and social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram. But more than just that Old-Fashioned Girls was launched on a completely new adventure of becoming an online women's boutique in November of 2021. Not only would Old-Fashioned Girls have a dedicated blog, it now had the capabilities of sharing carefully curated items that fit the vintage, old-fashioned, outdoor, quirky personality of a little blog that's heart beat in the middle of the Pacific Northwest.

With the new ability to serve women with hand picked items carefully selected with the quirky personality of Old- Fashioned Girls behind them, a new adventure was launched. Whether you are new to Old-Fashioned Girls or have been here through its many ups and downs, we invite you to look around our new little corner of the internet. Grab a warm cup of tea and make yourself at home!

As Old-Fashioned Girls continues to grow and mature we invite you to join us on this ever evolving journey, by signing up for our newsletter where we will be gifting you a FREE holiday gift tag printout for all your holiday gift wrapping needs! We also invite you to sign up so you can stay up to date on all our latest deals, free gifts, and of course what started it all our blog, which for years has been loyally followed by many friends of Old-Fashioned Girls.

Want a free gift? YES, SIGN ME UP HERE!

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