Let me tell you about the girl behind Old-Fashioned Girls - Old-Fashioned Girls

Let me tell you about the girl behind Old-Fashioned Girls

Hello, my name is Megan!

I am the owner of Old-Fashioned Girls, which was born out of my love for the outdoors, old books, and a flair for vintage styles! Having a chronic illness, I've always had to be creative and learn to make my own accommodations to live my best life. One way I've done this is with my entrepreneurial spirit which started with lemonade stands in middles school, evolved into sewing classes that I taught in high school, and continued with side hustles that I used to put myself through college.

As life continued I knew I needed a flexible job for my health and that I wanted to continue to serve others. I needed a new avenue to do that, which is how Old-Fashioned Girls came to life!

Currently, I serve my customers with handpicked jewelry inspired by my love for the great outdoors and vintage old-fashioned vibes! But be on the lookout as we expand, I just placed an order for new inventory to help you and the special ladies in your life relax and practice self-care!

From one girl to another, I invite you to join us here at Old-Fashioned Girls as we navigate this messy thing we call life, the unexpected joys of womanhood, and the unique journey we're each on!

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