Simple and Beautiful Crock Pot Inspiration

Gather around, everyone! Let us dive into some simple and beautiful crock pot inspiration that will make your homesteading life a breeze. There is nothing quite like the aroma of a hearty meal slow-cooking all day while you are out tending to the land or enjoying a lively rodeo. Whether you are new to the homesteading lifestyle or a seasoned pro, this recipe will have you whipping up a delicious meal with ease.

Why We Love Our Crock Pots:

Now, I believe most of us cannot imagine our kitchens without a good old crock pot sitting on the counter. They are more than just appliances; they are lifesavers for busy people like us who juggle so many hats – from homemaking to homesteading, to homeschooling!

First off, crock pots are as dependable as an old friend. You toss in your ingredients in the morning, set it on low or high, and come back hours later to a warm, savory meal ready to enjoy. No fuss, no muss! It is like magic, is it not? Plus, they free up your hands and time for other chores around the homestead. You can focus on feeding the animals, fixing fences, or even sneaking in a little afternoon ride while dinner takes care of itself in your beautiful crock pot.

And let’s not forget how versatile they are! From stews and soups to casseroles and even desserts – yes, desserts! – there is hardly anything you cannot cook up in one of these beauties. Got leftover veggies from last night’s supper? Throw them in! Need to tenderize that tough cut of meat? The slow cooker with a timer has got you covered.

But perhaps what we love most is the sense of comfort and nostalgia that comes with slow-cooked meals. There is something heartwarming about coming home after a long day to the smell of beef stew simmering away or cornbread pudding just about ready to serve. It takes us back to simpler times when families gathered around the table every night without fail.

Now that we have sung enough praises for our beloved crock pots, let us dive into some a recipe that will surely become a staple in your household too, especially with crock pot bags to make cleanup a breeze!

Hearty Homestead Venison Stew (Perfect for Hunting Season)

With hunting season upon us, I love swapping out beef for venison or elk in my favorite stews. The rich, gamey flavor of venison or elk adds a hearty, comforting twist to this classic dish, making it a perfect meal after a long day with the crisp chill of Fall in the air. Using your beautiful crock pot makes it easy to slow-cook the meat to tender perfection while you go about your day.


  • 2 lbs beef, venison or elk stew meat
  • 3 large carrots, sliced
  • 2 large potatoes, diced
  • 2 parsnips, sliced
  • 1 turnip chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 cup beef bone broth
  • 1 cup chicken bone broth
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 2 teaspoons rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Crock pot bags for easy cleanup


  1. Start by browning your meat in a skillet with a little olive oil to lock in the flavors before adding it to your beautiful slow cooker.
  2. Cover your crock pot with a crockpot bag
  3. Toss in your carrots, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, onion, and garlic, seasonings, along with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Pour the beef and chicken broth over the mixture until everything is nicely submerged ( you may need to add a little water).
  5. Set your crock pot on low for 6-8 hours, or high for 4-5 hours, allowing the venison or elk to become tender and flavorful.
  6. Add frozen peas during the last hour.
  7. Serve hot with crusty sourdough bread to soak up the savory broth.

This stew will keep you warm and satisfied after a successful day out scouting and hunting. The addition of crock pot bags makes cleanup quick and easy, so you can relax and enjoy the meal without the hassle!

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