
Behind the scenes...

Behind the scenes...

Behind the scenes of Old-Fashioned Girls, a lot has been happening. Hi, my name is Megan, and if you’re new around here I’m the mommy entrepreneur behind Old-fashioned Girls! A few months back I was 39 weeks pregnant and convinced my baby would be late so I planned lots of projects to keep myself busy! Well as it would happen my little one was in a rush and decided to try and make an early appearance. Que my water breaking and going into labor while I was working on Old-Fashioned Girls! Talk about a momentous memory and the epitome of...

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Let me tell you about the girl behind Old-Fashioned Girls

About Accomidations Chronic Illness story

Let me tell you about the girl behind Old-Fashioned Girls

Hello, my name is Megan! I am the owner of Old-Fashioned Girls, which was born out of my love for the outdoors, old books, and a flair for vintage styles! Having a chronic illness, I've always had to be creative and learn to make my own accommodations to live my best life. One way I've done this is with my entrepreneurial spirit which started with lemonade stands in middles school, evolved into sewing classes that I taught in high school, and continued with side hustles that I used to put myself through college. As life continued I knew I needed a flexible job...

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How Old-Fashioned Girls grew up!

Way back on May 22, 2012 Old-Fashioned Girls was founded as a little blog of musings, recipes, and craft ideas in it's own little corner of the internet. Since then the face of the internet, sharing, and social media has changed quite a bit over the span of nearly 10 years! Over the course of the first three years of Old-Fashioned Girls, love and energy was poured into it's unique little corner of the internet. But then slowly life took over and high school graduations came and went, college was attended, people moved, got married, and then babies started to...

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